Many workflows involve importing files that have been named according to strict naming conventions and where the file name or file path is structured to represent elements such as the series and episode of a show, the type of shot, the camera used, the scene and take number, and so on. While it is possible to use the Publish tab to set clip fields based on worker variables and regular expressions applied to the file path can be awkward when the file naming conventions become more complex.
A new and more powerful metadata extraction mechanism has been added which involves providing an external mapping file that lists patterns to look for and then which metadata fields to set when importing a file if those patterns are found in the file path.
You can specify a file containing metadata extraction rules on the Options tab of the worker config. The format of the file is lines of the form: pattern tab field id tab value to set newline. The pattern can either be a simple text pattern or a regular expression. Blank lines and comment lines starting with a semicolon are ignored.
If the pattern contains nothing but upper or lower case letters and numbers then it’s taken as a token that is looked for in the file name. Tokens in the file name must match case and be delimited by a space or punctuation character. For example, the file name “” would match FB and S2 but not s2 or XY or 01.
You might have the following metadata extraction rules and user field 1 would be set to “Football” and user field 2 to “Season 2” when the file above is imported.
FB U1 Football
BB U1 Basketball
S1 U2 Season 1
S2 U2 Season 2
If the pattern contains anything other than basic alphanumeric characters it is taken to be a regular expression, where certain symbols such as . + * ( ) [ ] ^ $ { } etc. have special meanings.
If the pattern starts with lower case ‘m’ or ‘n’ and followed by a punctuation character such as comma, semicolon or slash then it is taken to be a regular expression that applies to the entire file path or just the file name respectively, and the specified character is the delimiter at the end of the regular expression (as you might want to use something other than / when matching file paths). In either case, you can follow the regular expression with ‘i’ to ignore case. The value of the first subexpression within parentheses is available in $1, the second set of parentheses as $2 and so on, and $0 refers to the full pattern.
For example, you might have
n/Scene(d+)/ U3 Scene number $1
This would look for a sequence of digits occurring after the text “Scene” anywhere in the file name, and if found store the scene number in user field 3.
You can use a more complex pattern like m,/([^/]+)/[^/]+$, to extract the parent folder into $1, using comma as the regex delimiter and where forward slash is the file path separator on Mac OS X and Unix. [^/]+ means any sequence of one or more characters which aren’t a slash and ‘$’ anchors the search to the end of the file path.
If you omit the pattern then you can have several substitutions triggered by the same regular expression, saving on evaluating the expression more than once. For example
m,^/Volumes/Media/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/, U2 $1
U9 $2
would store the first folder after /Volumes/Media in user 2 and the second folder in user 9.
You could use a similar mechanism to pre-populate a set of metadata fields such as customer name, contact details etc. based on which customer folder the file is in.
Detailing all the capabilities of regular expressions is beyond the scope of this document but if you require help in defining metadata extraction rules (or developing worker scripts more generally) then your systems integrator or our professional services team will be able to help.
To simplify working with a mix of Mac and Windows paths all file path separators are converted from backslashes to Unix-style forward slashes so regular expressions should only check for /, even on Windows. Also, you can define root names and match for these as well, so the pattern above could be written as
#root MEDIA /Volumes/Media
#root MEDIA \servermedia
m,^MEDIA/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/, U2 $1
You can organise rules into separate files and import another file using
#include “/path/to/file.txt”