The Admin REST API sends and receives data formatted as JSON objects of various types. This section describes each of the different types of objects used.
API Objects
This section details the structure of the objects used by the Admin REST API.
User Object
Represents a user who can log in to the CatDV system. Each User object contains the following fields
Field | Type | Description |
ID | Integer | Unique ID of user |
name | String | User’s name |
notes | String | Additional notes about the user |
roleID | Integer | ID of this User’s Role |
role | String | Name of this User’s Role |
Production Group Object
Represents a Production Group in to the CatDV system. Each Production Group object contains the following fields
Field | Type | Description |
ID | Integer | Unique ID of Production Group |
name | String | Name of this Production Group |
notes | String | Additional notes about the group |
defaultPermissions | String[] | List of permissions that new members of this group get. |
Role Object
Represents a Role, which can be thought of as a permission template that a number of users can share. Each Role object contains the following fields
Field | Type | Description |
ID | Integer | Unique ID of Role |
name | String | Name of this Role |
notes | String | Additional notes about the Role |
permissions | String[] | List of permissions for this Role with respect to a particular Production Group. This field is only used in contexts where the Production Group is specified, generally as an additional parameter to the REST API call.
Available Role Permissions are:
Field Definition Object
Represents a, usually user-defined, field on a particular type of CatDV object (e.g. Clip, SourceMedia, Marker etc.) Each Field Definition object contains the following fields
Field | Type | Description |
ID | String | Unique ID of this FieldDefinition. For built-in fields this is the familiar CatDV field short code (e.g. NM1, STS etc.). For user-defined fields it the unique numeric ID of the object. |
fieldGroupID | Integer | Unique ID of this FieldGroup that this FieldDefinition belongs to. |
memberOf | String | Type of object this field definition belongs to. Possible values are:
identifier | String | Unique (within the given object type) name (or ‘slug’) for this field definition. To ensure that the identifier is unique it is generally built up from a domain-specific prefix, such as the field’s group, or the vender reverse domain, followed by a simplified version of the field’s name, with spaces converted to periods and all lowercase.For user-defined fields this value as the ‘name’ of the property in an object’s metadata object, whereas for built-in fields this value is the name of the field in the relevant object. For example the Field Definition for (NM1), would have memberOf=”clip” and identifier=”name”. |
name | String | Descriptive name for the field. Used as the label when the field is displayed in the UI. |
description | String | Longer description of the field. Used as the tooltip when the field is displayed in the UI. |
fieldType | String | Type of data stored in this field and how the field should be presented to the user. Possible values are:
isBuiltIn | Boolean | True if this Field Definition represents a built-in field. |
canQuery | Boolean | True if this field can be used in a clip query. |
isSortable | Boolean | True if this field can be used to sort the results of a clip query. |
isCalculated | Boolean | (Only present for built-in fields). Hint to tell client that this built-in field is not directly represented by a field on the relevant object. For example the “IO” field displays the In timecode and the Out timecode in a single field. The value to display must therefore be calculated by the client. |
isEditable | Boolean | True if any user can edit this field (assuming they have the necessary permissions). |
isMandatory | Boolean | True if the user must enter a value in this field. |
isMultiValue | Boolean | True if multiple values can be stored against this field. This is a calculated field based on the type of the field. |
isList | Boolean | True if a list of possible values is associated with this field. This is a calculated field based on the type of the field. |
values | String[] | For list fields this field can optionally be populated with all the list values. |
Picklist Object
Represents the list of values for fields where the user selects a value from a list (e.g. picklist, hierarchy etc.).
Each View Set object contains the following fields (Note that not all client support all options):
Field | Boolean | Description |
isExtensible | Boolean | True is user is allowed to enter values that are not in the list. |
isKeptSorted | Boolean | Values are kept sorted in alphabetical order. |
savesValues | String[] | Non-list values get added to the list. |
isLocked | Boolean | Only administrators can add values. |
values | Integer | The list of values. |
View Set Object
Represents a set of views (ViewDefinitions) where each view may be a list a grid or filmstrip. View Sets exists to make it easier to manage which views should appear under what situations. For example one might wish to define one View Set that defines the views that appear for a particular
Production Group, or one a particular type of client (e.g. Web or iOS). Each View Set object contains the following fields
Field | Type | Description |
ID | Integer | Unique ID of this ViewSet. |
name | String | Name of this ViewSet. |
description | String | Longer description of this ViewSet. |
visibility | VisibilityRules | Set of rule that determine when this ViewSet should be displayed. |
order | Integer | Used to specify the position that this ViewSet will appear in lists of ViewSets. |
views | ViewDefinition[] | List of the ViewDefinitions that make up this View Set. |
View Definition Object
Represents the fields to be displayed with each item in a list, grid or filmstrip list of clips.
Note that currently only the desktop CatDV client supports all the available view options. The Web Client and Web 2 interface currently only support customisation of Normal, Concise and Full views.
Each View Definition object contains the following fields
Field | Type | Description |
ID | Integer | Unique ID of this ViewDefinition. |
name | String | Name of this ViewDefinition. |
description | String | Longer description of this ViewDefinition. |
type | String | What type of panel or view does this ViewDefinition define. Possible values:
options | JSONObject | Set of options that can be applied to the various view types. Possible values are:
visibility | VisibilityRules | Set of rule that determine when this ViewDefinition should be displayed. |
order | Integer | Used to specify the position that this ViewSet will appear in lists of ViewSets. |
fields | ViewField[] | List of the ViewFields that make up this View Definition. |
View Field Object
Represents an individual fiels within the view. Each View Field object contains the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
ID | Integer | Unique ID of this ViewSet. |
viewDefID | Integer | ID of the containing ViewDefinition. |
fieldDefID | Integer | ID of the FieldDefinition of the field. |
fieldDefinition | FieldDefinition | Optionally a copy of the FieldDefinition object for this field. |
Panel Set Object
Represents a set of panels (PanelDefinitions). Panel Sets exists to make it easier to manage which panels should appear under what situations. For example one might wish to define one Panel Set that defines the panels that appear for a particular Production Group, or one a particular type of client (e.g. Web or iOS). Each Panel Set object contains the following fields
Field | Type | Description |
ID | Integer | Unique ID of this PanelSet. |
name | String | Name of this PanelSet. |
description | String | Longer description of this PanelSet. |
visibility | VisibilityRules | Set of rule that determine when this PanelSet should be displayed. |
order | Integer | Used to specify the position that this PanelSet will appear in lists of PanelSets. |
panels | PanelDefinition[] | List of the PanelDefinitions that make up this Panel Set. |
Panel Definition Object
Represents the fields to be displayed on the panel (tab). Each Panel Definition object contains the following fields
Field | Type | Description |
ID | Integer | Unique ID of this PanelDefinition. |
name | String | Name of this PanelDefinition. |
description | String | Longer description of this PanelDefinition. |
type | String | What type of panel or panel does this PanelDefinition define. Possible values:
visibility | VisibilityRules | Set of rule that determine when this PanelDefinition should be displayed. |
order | Integer | Used to specify the position that this PanelSet will appear in lists of PanelSets. |
fields | PanelField[] | List of the PanelFields that make up this Panel Definition. |
Panel Field Object
Represents an individual fiels within the panel. Each Panel Field object contains the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
ID | Integer | Unique ID of this PanelSet. |
panelDefID | Integer | ID of the containing panel. |
fieldDefID | Integer | ID of the FieldDefinition of the field. |
readOnly | Boolean | True if user is not allowed to edit this field. |
hideIfBlank | Boolean | True if field should be hidden if it is blank. |
spanTwoColumns | Boolean | True if field show span two columns. |
multiline | Boolean | True if field should be displayed over multiple lines |
fieldDefinition | FieldDefinition | Optionally a copy of the FieldDefinition object for this field. |
Visibility Rules
The visibility of View and Panel Sets and Definitions is controlled by a set of Visibility Rules stored against
each item. Each set of Visibility Rules contains three sets of rules:
- Production Group Rules – relate to a catalog’s Production Group
- User Role Rules – relate to the user’s Role.
- Client Rules – relates to the current client:
- CDV – CatDV Desktop Client
- WC1 – CatDV Web Client
- WC2 – CatDV Web 2
- IOS – CatDV iOS Apps
- TRI – CatDV Tricaster Plug-in
- PRE – CatDV Premiere Pro Plug-in
Each set of rules consists of two lists:
- Visible To – item is visible to the groups, roles or clients in this list
- Hidden From – item is hidden from the groups, roles or clients in this list
Note: If a ‘visible to’ list is empty then the item is always visible.
Each Visibility Rule object contains the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
visibleToGroups | String[] | List of Production Groups that this item is visible to. |
hiddenFromGroups | String[] | List of Production Groups that this item is hidden from. |
visibleToRoles | String[] | List of Roles that this item is visible to. |
hiddenFromRoles | String[] | List of Roles that this item is hidden from. |
visibleToClients | String[] | List of Clients that this item is visible to. |
hiddenFromClients | String[] | List of Clients that this item is hidden from. |
Media Store Object
Represents a logical storage volume where media is held. Each store contains one or more Media Paths that
refer to physical locations on shared storage. Each Media Store object contains the following fields:
Field | Boolean | Description |
name | String | Name of this Media Store. |
paths | MediaPath[] | List of Media Paths contained by this Media Store. |
Media Path Object
Represents a location on shared storage where a particular type of media is held (e.g. hi-res, proxy etc.) as seen by a particular type of client (e.g. Windows, Mac OS etc.). For example, if a location
on shared storage was mounted on Mac clients as /Volumes/SAN/Media, but on Windows machines
as \sanmedia, then you would store two paths, one targeting and one targeting client.mac.
Each Media Path object contains the following fields:
Field | Boolean | Description |
mediaStoreID | Integer | ID of containing Media Store. |
path | String | Path of this location. |
mediaType | String | Type of media stored at this location:
target | String | Target machine/service that this path is intended for.
pathOrder | Number | Sort of paths – defines priority where multiple candidate paths exist. |