Advanced User Interface

Data rate display format

You can choose how to display the data rate/over time  from a drop down menu. The default setting is kybte/sec.


Import menu shortcut

If you import a lot of specific data e.g image sequence or FCP xml files – you can setup a keyboard shortcut to import that specific file type. The keyboard shortcut for import is Shift CMD O you can then select your most used import file type to be allocated to this shortcut using the drop down menu

Image sequence selected as Import menu shortcut


Export menu shortcut

Same as import menu shortcut but for output files. You can select what file of type you most often use and select this as the default keyboard shortcut for output which is Shift CMD X

In this it is set to FCP 7 xml

The shortcut can now be seen next to the output file command for FCP 7 xml


Default View

Selecting Automatically update will preselect the options required to produce the default view. The default view options below are greyed out. If you wish to manually set these de select this box


Selecting Start in summary mode opens CatDV in summary mode.


Multi Threading

Recommended to leave on – this will utilise multi threading when importing

clips as a background task.


Clip details window

Keep the clips details window on top of all other windows


Cell editing

Allows editing of cells (field) within the list view of clips


Scrolling responsiveness

When selected will make scrolling more fluid and responsive

Preferences appearance

In addition to the default drop down list view you can select the way the preference pane is displayed.


List view

Tabs (top) view

tabs (side) view


HTML views

Select to preserve new lines


Chapter markers

Select to automatically insert Chapter 0 marker



Select to indicate 1 star means ‘no good’


Field label length

This is the default field label length – with the option to truncate longer field names. You can make this shorter if required by typing a new number.