Default timecode format

Select your desired frame rate for any timecode or sequences you create within CatDV,  NTSC (30fps NDF) PAL (25fps) are available  – This does not

change or convert the frame rate of clips imported into CatDV.


Check the Leading zero button will display all timecode hours between 0 -9 with a zero in front e.g 9:18:20:12 will be displayed as 09:18:20:12


Date display format

There is a choice of display options available to select how you wish

to display the date –


Time format

Select how time is displayed 12hr time format 09.00pm  or 24hr format  21:00hrs



CatDV gives you the option to restrict certain menu items.  It’s a useful way to keep the menu items small allowing easy location of menu items.


It also allows restricts the more advanced features within CatDV which you may want to hide from users

Simple Menu                       Advanced Menu


In advanced menu mode the Media menu allows for additional options –

The ability to


Present Movie

Run Slide Show

Manage Proxy Movies

Build Thumbnails


Additional options are available in the Tools menu when Advanced is selected


Subclip Naming

When you create a subclip, CatDV will automatically generate a name for it. This option allows you to specify what the default naming should be based on.

The default is ShortClipName.1

For example

You have a clip called “wide shot” amnd have chosen to select a portion of this as a subclip. CatDV will name the new subclip as“wide shot.1”

You can also rename the subclip when it is created.


UI Language

System Default will display the language on your chosen system preferences or you can force English by clicking

English (override)