Shared settings

CatDV Enterprise Server can maintain centrally held settings that are shared by all users who log into a particular Production Group.  When a user logs on he or she will automatically load the appropriate settings (user defined fields, pick list values, view layouts, and other settings) rather than using locally stored preferences which may be inconsistent.


Shared settings may be defined for each Production group, so if a user is a member of more than one production group (each of which might relate to a separate TV show that is being worked on, with different user fields in use for each) then they can load whichever settings are relevant to the work they are doing at the time. An administrator can edit the shared settings for a group using the Edit Group Settings button on the Edit Group screen accessible by clicking the Edit (pencil) button in the Users and Groups Panel of the Server Admin Panel.

When a user logs on to the system, if they are a member of more than one production group they choose which group they want to work in. Selecting a group loads the preference settings for that group, including settings such as preview locations, user-defined field names, pick list values, and customised view layouts.

Customising functionality for roles

In addition to production group-based customisation, the Role assigned to a user can also be used to override certain default settings from the production group.  Available customisations are the ability override the visibility of individual tabs and enable the advanced user interface on the client. This functionality is available in the Edit Role screen accessible by clicking the Edit (pencil) button in the Users and Groups Panel of the Server Admin Panel.



For example, in the screenshot above, the Logger Role is defined to show a tab called ‘Logging’, even if it is not visible according to the settings in Production Group and also to hide a tab called ‘Approval’. In this case the advanced user interface is not selected..