Most day-to-day CatDV Server administration tasks, such as managing users and checking usage, are performed using the Server Administration Panel from within CatDV Client.

You must be connected and logged on to the Server before the Server Admin Panel menu item can be accessed.

Administrator user

When you first install the CatDV Enterprise Server software a single user called “Administrator” with no password is created in the database. You should log on with this user and set a password for this account, then create additional users and groups as required.

Server Admin Panel

Administration of CatDV Server is performed using the Server Admin Panel of the CatDV Client available under the Server Menu.

The Server Admin Panel provides multiple tabs to give access to server administration and status functions:
  1. Server Statistics – shows version and licencing information about the connected server as well as statistics of the number of catalogs, clips etc. currently held on the server
  2. Groups and Roles – provides access to the CatDV Server security features described later in this section.
  3. User Admin – provides access to the CatDV Server security features described later in this section.
  4. Audit Log – gives access to a complete history of actions performed on the server, such as publishing catalogs, editing settings etc. along with the user who performed the action and the data and time the action was performed.
  5. Connections – gives a list of the users currently connected to the server. This can be particularly useful if you are nearing the maximum number of licensed user connections.