Once you have installed the necessary prerequisites and ensured that your Database Server is correctly configured and running you are ready to install the CatDV Server software.

Mac OS X (including Mac OS X Server)

  1. Double click on CatDV Installer.mpkg and follow the instructions, entering your administrator password when prompted.
  2. After the installer has completed it will launch the CatDV Server Control Panel to allow you perform the post-installation configuration tasks including entering your license details. See sections 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7 for further details on entering your registration code and starting the server.


  1. Double click the Install CatDV Server.exe setup file and follow the instructions. It is recommended that you accept all the defaults suggested by the installer.
  2. You may be asked to confirm that you want to allow Install CatDV Server to make changes to you’re your system. You must click Yes at this point to allow the installer to proceed.
  3. After the installer has completed it will launch the CatDV Server Control Panel to allow you perform the post-installation configuration tasks including entering your license details.

Generic Unix/Linux

  1. The Linux distribution of CatDV Server is supplied as a simple ZIP archive. Download this into a temporary location and expand the ZIP file.
  2. In the root of the expanded archive you will see a catdvServer folder that contains the software and an installation shell script.
  3. Run the install.bat script with administrator privileges:
    sudo ./install.bat
  4. This will copy the installation files to /usr/local/catdvServer and also create an entry in /etc/rc.d/init.d to launch CatDV Server as server start up.
  5. The last step in the install script is to launch the CatDV Server control panel. This will present you with the CatDV Server Setup Wizard that will lead your through the post-installation configuration tasks.