Manually editing the File
The operation of the server, including how many client connections are permitted, is controlled by a license key or registration code stored in the file. The easiest way to edit this file is using the CatDV Server Control Panel as described earlier. However, you can also edit the file manually if you prefer (or if you are using Linux and configuring the CatDV Server via the command line).
You will have been mailed four lines of text such as the following example. (Please contact if you do not have your registration code.)
reg.user = Trial reg.code = OGOP-JZXL-G1TD-65SI-7F7B-YZ3X-GVJD-6YQQ reg.expires = Jun 30, 2005 = Workgroup Server for MySQL (5 clients) with Live HTML Publisher
Open the file in the CatDV server directory with a text editor (or better still, using the CatDV Control Panel), then copy and paste these lines in to the file, replacing the example lines included in the file as distributed.
This file also contains other configuration information, most notably the connection URL for the database. You need to make sure the value of catdv.database is correct for your database. Comment out or delete the mysql line and uncomment the oracle line, editing it to include your secret password that you entered earlier.
The file also contains configuration for the Live HTML Publisher but you can safely ignore these lines if you do not use the HTML Publisher. If you make any changes to the configuration file you need to stop and restart the workgroup server for the changes to take effect.
CatDV server configuration parameters
There are two ways of specifying configuration parameters such as the database URL to use: via the file and by specifying a system property in the launchServer batch file with –Dproperty=value. You should avoid trying to set the same property in two different ways as that is likely to be confusing. For reference though, the system property setting takes precedence.
Normally you should use the CatDV Control Panel (see 3.6) to edit these settings and are unlikely ever to need to edit the file by hand.
The following properties are used:
catdv.logfile | Filename of server log file to create | | Filename of properties file to load |
catdv.rmiport | Server port to use (defaults to 1099) |
java.rmi.server.hostname | The server’s own IP address (if the machine has multiple network adapters you need to specify which IP address clients will use to connect to the CatDV Server) |
catdv.server | The RMI service name |
catdv.database | Database URL to use |
catdv.debug | Set to true (and restart the server) to display additional debug information in the server.log file |
catdv.allowAnonymous | Set to true if you are using Workgroup edition clients connecting to the Enterprise server and want to allow them to create and edit catalogs in the default system group without logging on to the server. |
catdv.terminationFile | Filename of a file which, if present, signals the server should terminate |
catdv.jdbc.class | Java class name of the the JDBC driver class |
reg.user | Registered user name (license details) |
reg.code | Registration code (license details) | | Human-readable description of license (license details) |
reg.expiry | Human-readable description of license (license details) |
reg.webuser | Registered user name (if different from reg.user) for the WebClient software license |
reg.webcode | Registration code for the WebClient software license |
preview.dir | Filename of preview root directory (HTML Publisher) |
preview.url | Corresponding URL (HTML Publisher) |
media.dir | Filename of media root director (HTML Publisher) |
media.equiv | Equivalent media path prefix (HTML Publisher) |
media.url | Corresponding URL (HTML Publisher) |
timestamp.format | How dates and times are formatted (HTML Publisher) |
web.user | Which CatDV user the web publisher uses to access Enterprise server. Determines which catalogs will be accessible via web interface (HTML Publisher) |
catdv.fields | Which field set to use (Web Client) |
catdv.useRoles | Set to true when working with CatDV 9 Enterprise clients or false when using CatDV 8 clients. |
Advanced Configuration Options
In addition to the standard parameters detailed above Server 7 has a number of advanced configuration options for debugging, the database, shared links, ldap, web and miscellaneous settings. They can be set up using the same method as the standard parameters.
catdv.debug [true/false] – Enable extended debug logging
catdv.jdbcdebug [true/false] – Enable extended JDBC debug logging
catdv.redirect [none/a file path] – redirect stdout to a file or console (none)
catdv.useInnoDBDelete [true/false] – Use special processing optimised for InnoDB when deleting (slower for non-InnoDB)
catdv.inMemoryTables [true/false] – for MySQL use MEMORY engine for CatDV’s temporary table. Faster but needs more RAM.
catdv.subselects [true/false] – Use SQL subselects. Default is false for MySQL – which is correct.
catdv.searchMembers [true/false] – Use SQL subselects. Default is false for MySQL – which is correct.
catdv.useRecycleBin [true/false] – When deleting clips move to recyle bin
catdv.shutdownChecks [true/false] – Perform housekeeping on shutdown
catdv.extraDetails [true/false] – Return extra catalog details in catalog queries
catdv.useTextIndexing [true/false] – SECRET!! Use full-text indexing (Pegasus Server only)
Shared Links
share.periods=1 day,3 days,1 week,2 weeks,1 month,3 months
ldap.userQuery – Custom LDAP query to find user. Default value is “(&(userPrincipalName=${userPrincipal})(objectClass=user))”
For an entered login name of the varaibles that can be used in userQuery are:
${userPrincipal} –
${username} – user
${domain} –
${domainDN} – DC=com,DC=domain
ldap.groupMembershipAttr – directory key used to hold group membership (default is “memberOf”)
ldap.prefix – optional domain prefix. e.g. if prefix set to DC=com then user@domain would map to
web.timeout.anon – session timeout (in minutes) for anonymous sessions
web.timeout – session timeout (in minutes) for authenticated sessions
web.proxyUrl – specify the enpoint (usually /proxies) to serve proxy files from
web.proxyPath – path on server to the root of the proxy media to server from
web.proxyUrl media.allowPathAccess [true/false] – enable lagacy /media servlet
catdv.defaultGroup – default group to use for resolving user field indexes in legacy REST client requests[1,2,3,etc] and[1,2,3,etc]
– used to configure the built-in web server to serve a different set of web apps than the defaults. If these values are present then defaults are turned off. Each web app requires a URL where it will be published and path to the war file or the root of the expanded webapp directory. Path may contain ‘~’ to indicate the Tomcat document home folder.
Misc – hostname of Adobe Anywhere collaboration server.