You can submit a batch of media files to the CatDV Worker for processing by providing a list of file names (optionally with metadata) in the CatDV XML file format. You can create an example XML file in the format the worker expects by exporting clips from CatDV using File > Export As > CatDV XML Batch File, though not all the fields in that file are used when you reimport a CatDV XML file. The main field you need to specify is the MEDIAPATH of the file to import but you can also specify additional metadata, for example:






<NAME>My clip name</NAME>


<NOTES>This is a clip with metadata</NOTES>

<USER1>User field one</USER1>


<BIN>Bin name</TAPE>



There are two ways to import a CatDV XML file, in either “batch” or “immediate” mode. For further details, see the sections on Batch Operation and Offline Workflows below.

If you are submitting a batch of files to the worker for processing, possibly involving a transcode of each file, then you need to create a CatDV XML batch file (version 1) and import it in “batch” mode to create a separate worker task for each file. If you are importing a set of clips in one go (or updating existing clips) then you should use the new CatDV XML file format version 2.