Catalog Details shows who last modified the catalog and when. It also shows certain statistics about the current catalog, such as how much memory is being used by the application, mainly intended for diagnostic purposes.

  • New Empty Clip will create a new empty clip for you to type in In and Out values manually, for example to use as a template when pasting metadata. (This command was previously called New Log Entry.)
  • The Help menu has shortcuts to display the table of contents and index in the online help, to display the license agreement and release notes for the application, and to jump to the CatDV web site in your default web browser to check for application updates.
  • System Information displays the current version of QuickTime, the location of the CatDV log file and preferences file, and other useful information

Paste metadata

You can copy log notes and user defined field values from one clip to another using the Paste Metadata command.

First select the source clip(s) and copy them to the clipboard, then select the destination clips and choose Paste Metadata. You are then given the option of which fields to copy and whether to overwrite those fields in the destination or merge the new data in with any existing contents.

You can copy from one source clip to many destination clips, and the same value will be applied to each, or select two lists of the same size to copy from the first clip to the first clip, from the second to the second, and so on.

Clip summary dialog

Press the Summary toolbar button (or use the Clip Summary menu command) to display a formatted, read-only view of the properties of a clip. Unlike the normal clip details window, which has fixed size fields, text in the clip summary window flows so it’s all visible.

  • The clip summary window is read-only. You can mark clips of interest, but you need to switch to the Clip Details window if you want to edit the clip.
  • If you have performed a query or applied a quick filter the clip summary window highlights where matching keywords occur within the text.
  • The clip is formatted using HTML. If desired, you can copy the HTML text to the clipboard via the Edit menu.
  • Use the Print button to print the clip details.
  • You can customise the fields that are shown by creating a custom details panel layout called “HTML Summary”. You can also configure additional read-only, HTML-based views in the clip details panel if you wish.