User Administration is performed using the User Admin section of the new web-based administration interface available through the Admin Menu of the Web 2 interface.

User Administration Page

The User Administration page displays a list of the currently defined users.


For each user the list displays their name, notes and the role that they have been assigned.

Create New User

To create a new User click the Add button in the footer bar. This will display the Create New User Dialog:


The Create New User dialog contains the following fields:

  • Name – the user name that the user will use to log into the system with .
  • Notes – any descriptive notes about the user.
  • Password/Confirm Password – the password the user will use to log in. Can be blank.
  • Role – drop-down list to select the Role the user will have. This will determine the permissions the user has on the system.

Edit User

To edit and existing User click on their name in the user list. This will display the Edit User Dialog:


The Edit/New User dialog contains the following fields:

  • Name – the user name that the user will use to log into the system with .
  • Notes – any descriptive notes about the user.
  • Role – drop-down list to select the Role the user will have. This will determine the permissions the user has on the system.

Set Password

To set or change the password for an existing user click the on the Set Password link in the user list. This will display the Chang Password Dialog:


The Change Password dialog contains the following fields:

  • Name – (read only) the user name of the user whose password is being changed.
  • Password/Confirm Password – the password the user will use to log in. Can be blank.