CatDV Worker 6 adds a wealth of new functions making workflow automations and integrations even more flexible, powerful and easy to deploy.

 Easy things are easy, hard things are possible

Worker 6 automates media workflows without needing costly and time consuming development effort. At the same time it provides many tools for developers and integrators to extend Worker’s capabilities.

Technical Features

Worker 6Worker 6 includes a number of significant technical advances that open a wide range of new, sophisticated workflows; for power users, integrators and via CatDV Professional Services.

These include:

  • 64 bit and Yosemite support
  • ffmpeg support for transcodes and proxy creation
  • Other systems can easily update CatDV with CatDV XML2 and .cdv import
  • Usability improvements: filtering task lists, periodically update status etc
  • Actions can be imported and exported, making deployments easier
  • Metadata can be harvested and expanded from file and folder names
  • New timed actions can be scheduled based on the time and day


Powerful Workflows

CatDV Worker 6 opens a wide range of new automation possibilities. CatDV Professional Services have deployed several Worker 6 workflows based on its new capabilities, for example:

  • Storage updates CatDV when files move or are deleted
  • Metadata can be replicated between separate CatDV servers
  • Telesteam Vantage integration
  • Media Check In, and Check Out
  • Linked Metadata Fields: One field / button, sets multiple other CatDV fields
  • Powerful metadata extraction and expansion from file and path information
  • Custom Validation Rules
  • Automated, daily CatDV backups

CatDV Professional Services also offer a range of cost effective, fixed price automations, integrations and workflows. Contact for more information.

Watch our Webinar with Product Manager Lee Phillips on Worker 6: