6.0.0    28 April 2015

Public release. Include new file path wizard to help configure processing steps and preview effect of regular expressions. New $_i ISO date variable. Other minor fixes.

6.0rc1  22 April 2015

Release candidate. Change Movie Conversions so they are now defined as part of processing steps. Change ‘allow polling’ to ‘remember completed tasks’ and invert the sense of the flag as that better describes what it does. Fix an issue where even if you remember completed server query tasks, if you edit a clip back so it’s triggered again it should be processed again without having to restart the worker. Other fixes related to ‘write text file’ and scheduled tasks.

6.0b8   15 April 2015

Quick Folder Sync will now create metaclips. New Test File Existance processing step to check whether media file or proxy is available and update the clip accordingly. New Set Clip Field step and ability to publish to server more than once. Fix an issue with duplicating watch actions. Allow $y (stderr output) to be used in the body of an email. Allow media path to be set to either first or last file to be copied. Other fixes and improvements. New documentation section on syncing a folder with a catalog.

6.0b7   30 March 2015

Expand description of trigger types and add support for scheduled jobs. Allow unused watch actions which you don’t want to delete yet to be marked as hidden. (If any watch actions seem to be missing after your update click the ‘Show all’ button!) Copy/move processing steps should copy all the files in a metaclip. Display better diagnostics if a file copy/move operation fails. Add options to ignore missing source files in copy/move operations, and to ignore exit status when executing a command. Fix missing thumbnails when exporting XML files. Add next/previous button when viewing task details. Retry automatically if publishing to server results in a save conflict. Fix migration of old Worker 5 scripts where certain processing steps could be lost. Prevent command execution from hanging in some situations by consuming console output. Fixes related to importing of CatDV XML v2 files.

6.0b6   27 February 2015

New field chooser with filtering and the ability to query and set arbitrary metadata fields such as @FNumber etc. Improvements to list of processing steps (specify what to do on copy or move if destination file exists, configurable HTML fields, ability to write a text file using variables, etc.). Make it easier to include and exclude patterns on the file conditions tab (if you tick the regex option the pattern is searched anywhere in the path but don’t need to exactly match the entire path). You can enter an optional worker name on the General tab which is displayed in the window title to help identify different worker instances. Option to delete clips via XML v2 if required.

6.0b5   17 February 2015

The conversions tab now supports a list of processing steps, allowing any number of commands to be executed and related files to be copied or moved. Existing job definitions are automatically migrated with minor differences in functionality (any command not just the first one will update $x and $y, and exporting XML and running command 2 now happens before the file copy/move step). The file copy/move step under “Options” maintains old functionality and supports metaclips and consecutive file numbering. Allow advanced properties to be specified on a per task basis if required. Allow Final Cut XML to be explicitly chosen as an importer (works with both FCP7 and FCPX files). New option whether to perform media analysis of files referenced by a CatDV or FCP XML file. If an MD5 checksum is calculated this is calculated early on, before any file pre-processing step.

6.0b4   11 February 2015

Changes related to importing XMLv2 files (reading clips with filesize 0, display progress indication while importing, more searchBy options, allow adding clips to multiple catalogs during a single import if the catalog name being published to contains variables, including ${CAT} to take the catalog name from the xml file). Fix an issue with the Automatic importer not correctly identifying which importer to use. When exporting XMLv2 files allow an <options> directive to be inserted automatically in the xml file. New ‘CatDV Catalog (Bulk)’ exporter which exports entire catalog if the server query returns any clips in that catalog (combined with the CatDV Catalog importer and the ‘replace catalogs’ option this allows catalogs to be sync’d from a master to a slave server). New ‘since last scan’ option when performing batch queries.

6.0b3   8 February 2015

Add new CatDV Catalog Importer with the option to replace an existing catalog on the server in its entirety. Folder Sync (Quick) importer can now put clips in different catalogs based on the file name. XML v2 now has ability to merge individual metadata fields. New mechanism to allow import processing rules to work between Mac and PC. Other fixes.

6.0a2   22 January 2015

Fix issues running under Windows. Add mechanism to parameterise .catdv settings files. Add $? variable for last command exit status.

6.0a1   13 January 2015

Initial release using CatDV 11 codebase. Obsolete QTJava, DirectShow, Xuggle and JMF technologies have been removed. Other changes include task filtering, XML version 2, batch export actions, metadata extraction rules, and the ability to export watch action and conversion presets.

5.1.3    1 December 2014

Allow import of .cdv catalog files. Support XML sidecar files when importing TIFF images. Improved support for archive integrations (ability to set ARCHV field and new restricted license type to support dedicated integrations). Allow Java –Xmx options to be passed in when invoking worker command line tool. Update engine to match CatDV 10.1.3.

5.1.2    26 August 2014

Performance improvements when opening large catalogs and doing quick folder sync. Support for clips whose timecode wraps at midnight. Fix out of memory error that can occur with certain malformed variable expressions. Improvements to behaviour of watch action ‘Test’ button. Update engine to match CatDV 10.1.2.

5.1.1    29 June 2014

Fix an issue when renaming files using a variable expression. Fix handling of spanned Canon XF clips. Fix aspext ratio of CR2 raw images. Provide timecode as a time in seconds or as frames using :t or :f format modifiers in variable expression. New option when exporting standalone movie to use the In2/Out2 selection. Respect FCP7 field mappings in the field definition set. Update the version of java mail library. Increase time out when launching helper process. Ensure server query ‘allow polling’ option will keep processing the same clip. Fix an issue when multiple worker processes detect the same spanned P2 clips. Allow “Move folder” to copy then delete files across file system boundaries (requires mvdir.copydel=true option).

5.1.0    3 Apr 2014

Public release of Worker 5.1. Exporting stills will revert to exporting thumbnail if movie is unavailable. Enhance batch file import so it works with path mapping. Fix -43 error when exporting movies containing Unicode characters on Windows. Changes to support export of TIFF or PNG stills using the QuickTime image sequence exporter.

5.1b1 (5.0.9b) 9 Mar 2014

Ability to perform bulk server-triggered tasks (see new documentation section on ‘Individual vs batch actions’ below). Change default character encoding to UTF8 and add new option to log viewer. Command line fix on Windows.

5.0.8    15 Feb 2014

Fix related to determining which task to run next based on priority. Update engine to match CatDV 10.0.9 (fix import of certain XDCAM files, fix -1409 error when exporting stills, read additional Avid MXF metadata for use with CatDV Pegasus). Allow use of variables from CatDV XML batch files when naming catalog to publish to, e.g. ${@CATALOG}. Add option to Avoid Duplicates in the destination catalog when copying or moving clips from a server-triggered task to another catalog. Minor user interface improvements (related to scheduling, batch file processing, and handling of P2 folder structures).

5.0.7 19 Nov 2013

Fix issue with path mappings on server queries not working. Implement pick list chooser (Values button) when editing server queries. New “CatDV XML Batch File (Quick)” importer which quickly imports clips without doing a full media analsysis (ie. as if the files were offline). New “Folder Sync” importer which keeps a catalog in sync with a watch folder by doing a quick import of files without doing a full media analsysis, including new $K and $L variables. New option to calculate MD5 checksums on import. Allow import of XML files created by the worker command line. Allow accented and other Unicode characters in emails. Change name of command line on Windows to catdv.exe, so it matches what the documentation says. Other fixes.

5.0.6 11 Sept 2013

Add support for RED metaclips. Replace “Merge MXF files into a metaclip” checkbox with three radio button options. Improve detection of metaclip folder structures on the file watch “Conditions” tab. Moving or copying a metaclip (using the Conversion, not the Pre-Processing tab) preserves folder structure. Improve deletion of empty directories. “Ignore errors” option now applies to movie conversion (as well as file copying and command execution). New -distinct and tabNoHeader options in command line interface. Fix related to resubmitting jobs. Bring engine up to date with CatDV 10.0.7 (fix import of .mts files, read JFIF metadata, FCP XML improvements, etc.).

5.0.5 12 July 2013

Fix an error with server-triggered tasks if reanalyse media option is turned off.

5.0.4 11 July 2013

Fix an issue with the new ‘CatDV XML File’ importer option. Add support for reanalysing media when running a server query-triggered action. New option whether to interpret contents of batch and log files when using the Automatic importer. Add support for reading metadata from RED files. Updated “Importing media files” and added new “Offline media” documentation sections.

5.0.3 6 June 2013

Fix Mac/Windows path error when copying metaclips. New CatDV Batch XML importer to import a batch file immediately, rather than queuing each file, including support for creating offline clips with no corresponding media file. New option to update any existing clip with same path or clip name, allowing clips to be inserted into database prior to the media arriving (similar to CatDV’s Reanalyse Media command). Exporting stills now correctly takes into account JPEG quality setting. Update engine to match CatDV 10.0.4 (fixes and improvements related to metaclips, XML sidecar files, MXF importer, IPTC metadata support, etc.)

5.0.2 24 February 2013

Fix “timeout” and “unexpected response” errors when communicating with helper process. New option to delete empty directories after deleting or moving files out of the watch folder. Ensure worker is suspended if there is an error communicating with the CatDV Server. Fix unresponsive GUI when worker is processing a task. Allow files to be moved across file systems. Email recipients can now contain variables. Update engine to match CatDV 10.0.2 (support for raw image metaclips, new Pulldown metadata field, fix -2015 errors, etc.). Better

support for importing metadata from XML sidecar files. Other minor fixes. Added a “Hints and tips” section to the documentation below.

5.0.1 7 December 2012

Update engine to match CatDV 10.0.1 (including support for spanned Canon XF clips, improved TIFF support, and prevent thumbnails over 64K). Ensure media path is updated when publishing changes if you use a path mapping. Fix handling of thumbnail and scene detection options. New option whether task should continue or not if there is an error copying the file or executing an external command. Log viewer now supports Cmd-F to search.

5.0.0 8 October 2012

Official release. Update engine to match CatDV 10.0.0. Fix -47 errors when building proxies. Increase memory allocation for helper process and command line. Add REMOTEID, CLIPREF, MEDIASTART, START_SECS, DURATION_SECS fields to exported XML. Use new file chooser. Various other fixes.

5.0b8 1 August 2012

Update engine to match CatDV 10.0b7. Allow t and n when setting event markers via the command line. Add support for batch exporting XML and HTML files with all the clips that match a server query in one file, rather than performing a separate export for each task. CatDV XML file now includes metaclip members. Fix related to sending emails. Fix spurious “directory is unstable” warnings. Other minor fixes.

5.0b7 9 May 2012

Release candidate. Fix handling of metaclips returned by a server query. Slight changes to task list details view. Change the location of the worker.xml and workset files so they are in the Application Support or APPDATA directory rather than your home directory. (This simplifies switching between Worker 4 and Worker 5 during testing and avoids cluttering the home directory.) Fix an issue with waiting for directories to settle.

5.0b6 9 April 2012

Start using the new “Slate” look and feel. Improved log viewer with support for displaying the helper log files as well as the main worker log. Prevent helper process under XP due to Windows DLL loading bug that can cause deadlocks. Fixes related to proxy paths. Display error output when running external commands (this is especially useful for reporting progress from the ‘curl’ command). Fix a timeout that would always occur during long-running commands. Fix erroneous warnings about exceeding client licenes.

5.0b5 31 March 2012

Add proper support for exporting movies from sequences (rather than processing all the source clips within the sequence). Ability to set preconditions on file watcher jobs based on known file types. The group name field now allows variables. Add wizard for editing job schedule. Add checkbox to make it clear that we don’t check whether all the contents of a metaclip are online. Add chooser buttons to path map editor and a help button to movie conversion dialog. Miscellaneous fixes related to reading QuickTime metadata, parsing CatDV XML files, exporting movie from a metaclip, exporting XML files, refreshing online status, and fix message about exceeding client licenses. Add development mode (via General tab of configuration) to reduce polling interval and prompt before starting each task.

5.0b4 16 March 2012

Add support for running multiple worker tasks in parallel (with a new drop down on the License tab to control how many worker processes to enable on this machine, up to the number permitted by the license, and the ability to set time outs). Remove the ability to create multiple work sets and incorporate the task list as part of the main window. Add support for scheduling specific times when a job can run. Minor fixes related to metaclips. Include DirectShow (DSJ) exporter on Windows. The command line interface now has the ability to append to a field using “–set FIELD+=VALUE”. Fix importing files whose name contains Unicode characters (Windows). Fix exporting files with Unicode names or a long folder name (Mac).

5.0b3 5 March 2012

Add support for running task processor in a separate process (to protect against crashes and provide option for multi-processing in future). Fix “merge MXF files into a metaclip” option but default the option to off as it reduces eficiency of adding clips to an existing catalog. Include Direct Show (DSJ) importer on Windows. Include explicit XDCAM importer and fix handling of XDCAM EX and P2 metaclips. Add a new “allow polling” option to watch folder definitions to process files again if a new file appears with the same name as one processed previously. Improve the “wait for directory to settle” option. Fix proxy path issue on Windows. Allow setting of user columns declared as being checkboxes (use the value “true” to set it).

5.0b2 27 February 2012

Fix it so selected thumbnail size is taken into account. Fix issues with editing presets. Fix doubling up of server query terms. Further tidy up of user interface to make sure it more closely matches order of processing of actions. Ensure “import all files” option works with all importers. Change QuickTime “flattened movie” exporter so it creates fast start movies. Ensure $I variable is set with remote clip id after publishing clips to server.

5.0b1 22 February 2012

Initial beta release built on CatDV 9 codebase. Worker 4 is based on CatDV 8, so this new worker version includes all fixes to the CatDV engine made since CatDV 8.1.12. It includes the following additional major changes: ability to select Xuggle and JMF importers, support for exporting using either QuickTime or Xuggle, a redesigned conversion settings dialog, removal of “pending” state (clips are published to the server immediately rather than being batched up), and more efficient addition of clips to an existing catalog (the worker no longer downloads existing clips in order to append to a catalog).

4.0.6 6 February 2012

Add support for sending SSL email. Fix file not found messages that can occur when using “Move folder” preprocessing action. Ability to specify alternative root for watch folder triggered actions. Added two more extra fields that can be set when publishing clips to the server. Fix broken file paths with multiple colons that can occur on Windows. Fix burnt in timecode on proxy movies. Add support for event fields to the command line interface.

4.0.5 26 November 2011

Fix an issue with building previews under Windows. Monitor file size as well as file and directory modification time to determine whether a file is still being written. Add filter to log file viewer. Please note that PowerPC Macintoshes are no longer supported in this version.

4.0.4 19 October 2011

Remove spurious newline character at end of $x variable. Make @MF writable. Ability to turn off timecode track on exported movies by setting export.timecode=false or preview.timecode=false in Advanced Properties. Ability to delete clip from server for server query triggered actions.

4.0.3 26 September 2011

Fix an issue with multiple @Field=Value responses. Allow a publish interval of 0s to turn off buffering of clips. Fix an issue related to multiple worksets and not publishing changes. Improved diagnostics in the log file. Fix SkeletonMismatchException.

4.0.2 7 September 2011

Fix “no server queries defined”message when using multiple worksets. Fix occasional “duplicate entry on groupID” message when publishing clips to server. Include extra diagnostics to resolve occasional “waiting to acquire lock” errors on Windows.

4.0.1 29 June 2011

Add support for regular expressions, and compatibility with CatDV 9 (saving events and ratings etc.). Add support for copying or moving metaclips based on a server query. Use maximum available resolution when exporting stills from RAW images. Email addresses can now include variables. Set timecode format via timecode.paldefault variable to permit importing EDLs. Task list viewer information panel shows root directory and relative file path separately. Update xalan XSLT library to version 2.7.1. Log viewer has a new button to compress and save the worker log file. Other minor fixes. Added documentation on regular expressions and setting the root for server-triggered tasks.