The job definition panel defines what actions are performed on files in the watch folder. You should give each job a short descriptive name so you know what the job does.
Any or all of the following actions can be configured, which will be performed in the given order:
- The file is “imported” (see Pre-Processing section above)
- Any movie conversions that you specify are applied. These can include creating CatDV previews or exporting the movie to one or more other locations and formats, at different resolutions. You can define your own movie conversion presets which are saved globally so you can apply them to different watch actions.
- After the movie conversion(s) have all completed without error, which may take some time, post-processing can be applied to the original file in the watch folder. These include copying or moving the file – or deleting it. Take care when using this option and make sure it is what you want in your workflow! As well as specifying the destination directory you can specify how much if any of the path is preserved for those cases where you have subdirectories in the watch folder.
- You can also export the clip(s) as an XML file and execute arbitrary operating system commands (see below). These can be combined so that the external command can read the value of clip fields from the XML file, and then update any desired clip fields as a result of its processing.
- Finally, the clip(s) are published to the CatDV server so they are visible to users via the CatDV client application. You can publish all clips to the same catalog, or leave the catalog name blank and have a new catalog created each time. Normally, publish operations are ‘batched’ (using the Publish Interval setting) so one catalog might contain several files when it is published. If you converted the movie to a different format or automatically moved the file out from the watch folder you can choose to update the media reference in the clip to point to the new location.
- Additionally, if you specify the file name for an HTML index file that file is automatically updated to include details of all the clips in the current catalog. You can also send an email notification to inform users that a new file is available.
Executing commands
As part of a job you can run an arbitrary operating system command invoked via a command line interface. Such commands might include copying a file by FTP, using an external transcoding engine such as FFmpeg or Telestream Episode, or running a batch command or shell script, and provides a very powerful way of extending the capabilities of the worker.
For example, under Mac OS X you could write
/usr/bin/ftp –u ftp://user:password@host/public/upload/ $l
to upload all the converted movie files to the /public/upload directory on ‘host’ via ftp. The ‘curl’ command gives even more options for copying files to an external server (including via https, sftp, etc.)
Up to three external commands can be performed, at different stages in the processing. The first command is intended for external transcoding or other pre-processing, the second command is intended for interaction with external systems via XML and supports updating clip fields as a result, while the final command could be used for FTPing completed files or performing notification that the action has completed.
To pass parameters to the external command you can either export the clip(s) being processed as an XML file (using an optional XSLT file to translate the file to another format from CatDV’s default XML format) or pass them via the command line using a variable expression. To update clip fields as a result of processing the command check the ‘parse output’ option and write updates to the standard output of the process using fields ids such as NT for notes, one per line. For example:
INDEX=0 — if we are processing multiple clips specify which one
@STS=Complete — set the clip Status field
@U5+=Processed by my command — append to the User 5 field
See below for a list of variables you can use use on the command line to refer to the original file being processed, the file(s) it was converted to, and more.