Once you have installed CatDV Server, you can access it using a regular web browser by going to the address:


(The exact address may be slightly different on your system, depending on how the web application was deployed.)

You should then see the CatDV web interface, with the screen divided into the following areas, broadly matching that of the CatDV client application:


  1. A header panel across the top, with toolbar buttons, a search box, and button to log in/out of the server.
  2. A tree down the left which shows catalogs and smart folders from the server that you have access to
  3. A list of clips to the bottom right of the window shows the contents of the current catalog or query results.
  4. The clip details are at the top of the window shows details of the current selected clip

Logging on

When you first enter the web application you will be asked to log on to the server. If the login dialog isn’t shown automatically you can log in by clicking on the padlock icon in the tool-bar.



You should log on using the same user name and password that you use in the CatDV client application.

Accounts are created by an administrator user using the Server menu on the CatDV client application. Depending on how the system is set up, even if you don’t log in you may still be allowed to browse clips and catalogs in the “Anonymous (public)” group.

When you are logged on, your user name is shown in the header panel. Click the padlock again to log off when you are finished.

Session limit

Your license may limit the number of concurrent sessions that the web interface will support. If you see a message that a session limit has been reached, please log off and try to access the system later.

If you don’t send any commands to the server for 30 minutes your web session will expire and you will need to log on again.