MySQL Issues

  • If mysql_install_db gives an error about hostname use the –force option.
  • If you get errors when starting the MySQL server, look at the .err files in the data directory for details.
  • Note that “root” means the mysql administrator, ie. the name of a database user as understood by MySQL, not the Unix root login user as understood by the operating system. On the other hand “mysql” does refer to a login user account. This can be somewhat confusing, so pay careful attention to the context so you know what is being referred to.
  • If you get an SQL error “Server configuration denies access to data source” the most likely reason is a DNS issue and your machine is not ‘localhost’. Make a note of the hostname after the ‘@’ then type the following (inserting the actual hostname as appropriate):
    	mysql -u root -psecret (where secret is the MySQL root password)
    	GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON catdv.* to catdv@hostname ;
    	GRANT RELOAD,SHUTDOWN on *.* TO catdv@hostname;

    Press Ctrl-C to come out of MySQL and run ./launchServer again.

  • If you run the CatDV Server and/or Web Interface on a different machine from the MySQL database you will need to change the database URL to refer to the machine on which the MySQL server is running and within MySQL you will need to grant access to the other machine(s) using a GRANT statement as above. Additionally, you may need to open up access to the standard MySQL port 3306 in your firewall.
  • If you are unable to determine which hostname to use, then, as a last resort for testing purposes, you could try:
    	GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON catdv.* to catdv@"%" ;

    but beware, this leaves a gaping hole in your database security and once you have identified the issue you should fix the problem.

Oracle Issues

  • The CatDV workgroup server is a Java program, whose class fiiles are in libserver.jar. The Java Service helper (JSHelper.exe) is used to install and start this program as an NT service but you can also start it manually by typing the following command (which may be useful for diagnostic purposes):java  -cp  libserver.jar;libjaxp.jar;libparser.jar;libjakarta-regexp-1.2.jar;libojdbc14.jar  squarebox.catdv.server.CatDVServer
  • The server will run with any J2SE or J2EE compliant Java implementation, including Java 1.3.1 or later from Sun Microsystems or the bundled JVM within Oracle Database.
  • The CatDV client application and server communicate using Java RMI, which normally uses port 1099. You may need to open up this port in your firewall, or you may need to select a different port if there is a conflict, which you can do by uncommenting and editing the catdv.rmiport parameter in then restarting the server (eg. catdv.rmiport=1100). You will need to enter the same number when connecting to the server from a client.
  • If you need to edit the CatDV Server startup parameters (eg. to change the port number, change the database URL, or change the location of the server log file) you can use regedit to edit values within the following registry topic:
    HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesCatDV ServerParameters
  • To check that the CatDV server has started successfully there are various log files you can consult. Problems executing the server itself (eg. Java not available) may be reported in the Windows event log (Start menu > Administrative Tools > Event Viewer) or in C:TEMPCatDVServer.stderr.log. Once the server has started it creates a log file called server.log in the server current directory, eg. c:Program FilesSquare BoxCatDV Serverserver.log.

Database URLs

  • The CatDV server and the HTML Publisher use a JDBC connection string to refer to the database. Although various forms are supported by Oracle the format used here is:

    For example, jdbc:oracle:thin:catdv/secret@//localhost:1521/orcl

  • If you are using Oracle 10g Express Edition you only need the user name and password, for example jdbc:oracle:thin:catdv/secret
  • If you are running Oracle and the CatDV server on different machines you can specify a different URL by editing the file (You can also provide a different catdv.database startup parameter to the server, or by editing the webapps/catdv/WEB-INF/web.xml file for the HTML publisher, but setting it via is the recommended method.)

Mac OS X-specific issues

  • Under Mac OS X 10.2 and later, /usr/local/bin/ is no longer in your path and you will need to explicitly type /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql instead of just mysql. You also need to download the special Jaguar release of MySQL..
  • With Mac OS X 10.3 and later you no longer need to create a mysql user. If you are using an older version of Mac OS X and don’t have a mysql user you can create one using the Users pane of System Preferences.
  • If the CatDV Mac Installer reports a failed installation, do File > Show Log, then select “Show Everything”. The most common cause of errors is that MySQL is not installed or is not running.
  • If you are using Mac OS X 10.5 and start MySQL using the CatDV control panel then MySQL will inherit your own personal tmpdir temporary directory which it doesn’t have access to. This can cause the CatDV client to fail with error messages such as “prepareQuery failed (Can’t create table ‘tmpclips’) (errno:13))” when you try to perform a query. To resolve this, make sure you have a my.cnf config file which explicitly specifies a tmpdir to use (see 3.2 above).

Windows XP firewall settings

  • If you can connect to the server with a client running on the same machine but not from another machine on your network then access to the server is probably being blocked by the Windows Firewall software.
  • Open the Windows Firewall settings (Start menu > Control Panel > Security Settings > Manage security settings for Windows Firewall). It is recommended that you leave the firewall settings ON, but permit access to the CatDV server using the Exceptions tab:
    1. Click on Add Program… then browse to the directory where you installed the CatDV server (eg. C:Program FilesSquare BoxCatDV Server 5.0) and select JSHelper.exe
    2. Click on Add Port… and enter “Java RMI” for the Name, “1099” for the port number, and check the TCP button.

Other Windows-specific issues

  • When installing on Windows 2000 the installer may fail saying command REG not found. This is because you may not have a copy of the registry editor REG.EXE in your path. If so, you may need to copy REG.EXE from another machine (contact if you need further assistance).
  • Check the CatDVServer logs in C:TEMP if the server fails to start
  • Try launching the CatDV Server manually from the NT Services control panel. If it fails there the message may display additional useful information. Check the properties of the service to make sure things like the directory it’s running from are what you expect.

CatDV Server troubleshooting

  • Launch the CatDV Server Control Panel and press the Details and View Log buttons to display diagnostic information.
  • If the server does not start automatically using the NT service or OS X startup item, try launching it manually from the command line as this may make it easier to see any error messages that are displayed.
  • For testing purposes you may find it convenient to install the CatDV Pro client application on the server machine. It is not necessary to do so however, and you do not need to install QuickTime on the server machine for the Workgroup Server software to function.
  • The most likely cause of the server not starting is that you haven’t inserted a valid registration cause into the file.
  • Other common causes are that the MySQL database isn’t running, that you didn’t create a catdv database, or that the RMI port 1099 is already in use by another application (in which case pick a different port in the file).
  • If you can connect to the server with a client running on the same machine but not from another machine then one possible explanation is a firewall issue. Another, more insidious, possibility relates to the way Java RMI works. When you enter the IP address of the server in the Connect To Server dialog on the client you are actually specifying the location of a naming registry which returns the actual CatDV server location. In order for this to work, the server needs to be told its own IP address as used by clients when connecting to it. In certain situations (such as if the server has multiple network adapters) the naming service may not correctly identify its own IP address, so clients will be unable to connect properly. To resolve this issue, use the CatDV Control Panel to edit the Server Config and enter the server’s own IP address under Host & Port. (If you edit the file then you need to set java.rmi.server.hostname.)

Log files

  • A log file called server.log is often written in the server directory. This contains diagnostic information. You can also view this log file from the CatDV Control Panel.
  • Under Windows, you may find c:tempCatDVServer.stdout.log and c:tempCatDVServer.stderr.log files that also contain useful information.
  • Under Mac OS X the console.log and system.log files, accessible via the Application > Utilities > Console application, may also contain useful diagnostic information.