
Oracle Database includes a J2EE application server called OC4J but this is not enabled by default unless you install the Oracle Application Server. You can use the OC4J included in an Oracle Database installation but will need to start the application server manually each time. These instructions assume you do not have Oracle Application Server.

    • Locate the OC4J home directory, eg. C:oracleproduct10.1Db_1oc4j. In the remaining steps this location is referred to as OC4J_HOME.
    • Copy catdv.war to OC4J_HOMEj2eehomeapplications
    • Edit OC4J_HOMEconfigapplication.xml and add the following line after the other <web-module> definitions:
<web-module id=”catdv” path=”../../home/applications/catdv.war” />
    • Edit OC4J_HOMEconfighttp-web-site.xml and add the following line after the other <web-app> definitions:
<web-app application=”default” name=”catdv” root=”/catdv” />
    •  Start the OC4J application server by typing
cd OC4J_HOMEj2eehome
java -jar oc4j.jar
  • The catdv.war archive will be automatically unpacked and a catdv directory is created.
  • Edit the catdv web app config file, webappscatdvWEB-INFweb.xml, to make sure it has the correct location of your file. The file contains the database URL such as jdbc:oracle:thin:catdv/secret@//localhost:1521/ or similar, based on the password and global database name you chose earlier. (Consult the Using and Configuring Live HTML Publisher chapter for details on other parameters you can configure, such as media paths.)
  • Go to http://localhost:8888/catdv in a  web browser to test the CatDV webapp.