(Mac OS X)
There are a number of different versions of Tomcat you can use with Mac OS X.
- Use Mac OS X Server (versions up to and including 10.6), which has Tomcat pre-installed.
- You can download a Unix version of Tomcat from the Apache web site. You will need to unpack the tar archive and install the files yourself, then start Tomcat by running the bin/startup.sh script. (This is the recommended approach in most cases.)
- You can install Tomcat, JBoss and other development tools as part of the XCode tools CD (in the application server package).
- You can download CompleteTomcat-4.1.24.dmg installer from Server Logistics (PowerPC only).
Installation from Apache web site
1. Visit http://tomcat.apache.org and download apache-tomcat-5.5.20.tar.gz (or later) under Download ® Tomcat 5.x ® Binary Distributions ® Core. This requires Mac OS X 10.4 and Java 1.5. (If you have an older version of Java you can download Tomcat 5.0.28 instead.) Double click this file in the Finder to expand it to a folder called “apache-tomcat-5.5.20”.
2. For simple standalone testing you can run Tomcat from where you downloaded it (eg. your desktop):
- Drag “catdv.war” from install/webapp to the Tomcat “webapps” folder.
- Open a Terminal window (Applications > Utilities > Terminal.app) and drag the file “startup.sh” from the Tomcat “bin” folder to the Terminal window, then press enter.
3. Alternatively, you can install Tomcat so it launches automatically when the computer starts up by placing it in /Library/Tomcat and using launchd (this requires Mac OS X 10.4 or later):
- Use the Finder to move the Tomcat directory to /Library and rename it to “Tomcat”
- To use Live HTML Publisher copy “catdv.war” from /usr/local/catdvServer into the /Library/Tomcat/webapps folder. If you are using the newer Web Client you don’t need to do this as the control panel automatically installs “catdv2.war” for you.
- Copy “tomcat.plist” from /usr/local/catdvServer to the /Library/LaunchDaemons folder, and type the following from a Terminal window so it matches the other files there:
sudo chown root /Library/LaunchDaemons/tomcat.plist
- Restart your Macintosh
- If you’re using launchd you can manually stop and restart Tomcat from a Terminal window by typing the following:
sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/tomcat.plist
sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/tomcat.plist
4. Once Tomcat is running and the CatDV Web Client is installed, test it by opening http://localhost:8080/catdv2/WebClient.html in your web browser. Ensure you can see the CatDV webapp welcome screen and access the server status and other linked pages.
Using “Complete Tomcat”
If you have no need to run a more recent version of Tomcat, and are not running on a MacIntel, an easy solution is to use the Server Logistics installer. This works well and installs a startup item to automatically launch Tomcat:
1. Download Tomacat version 9 from https://wolfpaulus.com/mac/tomcat/
2. Double click to unzip the file, and again to mount the disk image. (If you use Safari under Mac OS X 10.4 the image is mounted automatically once download completes.)
3. Run the Tomcat.pkg installer package to install Tomcat in /Library/Tomcat
4. Copy Tomcat.prefPane to /Libray/PreferencePanes if you require a System Preferences item to manually start and stop Tomcat.
5. Copy catdv.war (from the install/webapp folder of the installation archive) to the Tomcat webapps folder, eg. /Library/Tomcat/webapps.
6. Open http://localhost:8080/catdv/ in your web browser and ensure you can see the CatDV webapp welcome screen and access the server status and other linked pages.
Installation under Apache Tomcat 5 (Windows)
If you are using CatDV Workgroup Server for MySQL, or if you prefer not to use the Oracle OC4J application server, then you can download the open source Tomcat server to run the CatDV Web Publisher.
1. Download apache-tomcat-5.5.20.exe from http://tomcat.apache.org (Download ® Tomcat 5.x ® Binary Distributions ® Core ® Windows Service Installer)
2. Run this installer and install it to a location such as C:Program FilesApache Software FoundationTomcat 5.5
3. Go to Start Menu > All Programs > Apache Tomcat 5.5 > Configure Tomcat
Leave the settings as their default values, then press OK. Connector port: 8080 (or you can choose another), user: admin, password: leave blank.
4. Open a web browser and open http://localhost:8080/ and check you see the Tomcat welcome page. If you do not see the Tomcat page, check the log files in the Tomcat logs directory. In particular, you might get a port 8080 already in use error message. If so, see the next section.
5. Copy catdv.war to the Tomcat webapps folder, eg. C:Program FilesApache Software FoundationTomcat 5.5webapps.
6. Shutdown and restart the Apache Tomcat service, either via the NT Services control panel (Start Menu > Administrative Tools > Services) or the Tomcat systray icon.
The catdv.war archive will be automatically unpacked and a catdv directory is created.
7. Edit the catdv web app config file, webappscatdvWEB-INFweb.xml, to make sure it has the correct location of your catdv.properties file. The catdv.properties file contains the database URL such as jdbc:oracle:thin:catdv/secret@//localhost:1521/orcl.mydomain.com or similar, based on the password and global database name you chose earlier. (Consult the Using and Configuring Live HTML Publisher chapter for details on other parameters you can configure, such as media paths.)
8. Go to http://localhost:8080/catdv/ and ensure you can see the CatDV webapp welcome screen and access the server status and other linked pages.
Note: The CatDV Web Publisher is also compatible with earlier versions of Tomcat (such as 4.1.27) if you are unable to use Tomcat 5.5 because of its dependency on Java 1.5
Disabling Oracle XML Services on port 8080
If you are using the Live HTML Publisher with Apache Tomcat there is one thing to note when using Oracle. By default, Oracle Database TNSLSNR will install XDB (Oracle XML database web services) on port 8080, creating a conflict with the default Tomcat port. Although you can change the Tomcat port, it is a strong convention to use 8080 for Tomcat, so it is recommended to change XDB instead.
The simplest way to change the port used by XDB, for example to 8081, is to launch the Oracle SQL*Plus application (or the web based iSql*Plus interface) and paste the following SQL command in:
call dbms_xdb.cfg_update(updateXML( dbms_xdb.cfg_get(),’/xdbconfig/sysconfig/protocolconfig/httpconfig/http-port/text()’, 8081))
You can lauch SQL*Plus by typing “sqlplus sys/topsecret as sysdba” at a DOS prompt.
For further details on XDB see: