CatDV’s main application window displays a list of clips. These can be displayed in one of three main ways:
- List view – a spreadsheet-like table, one row per clip, with a choice of which columns are displayed.
- Film strip view – where each movie clip is shown on one line as a sequence of thumbnails.
- Grid view – a two-dimensional grid of clips, each shown with its poster thumbnail.
Click on the List, Film Strip or Grid toolbar buttons to select the next view of that type. You can have different views of each basic type (eg. with different columns shown, or different thumbnail sizes), and select a particular named view from the drop down list – see Customising views for more details.
Main window
When using the main window you can:
- Apply filtering or grouping to limit the display to particular clips of interest.
- Have more than one window open on the same catalog with the New view command. Changes you make in one window will be reflected in the other but you can change the layout of each as required.
- Select one or more clips with the mouse then right click (control-click on the Macintosh) to display a popup menu of operations applicable to the selected clip(s).
- Display details of the selected clip and play media for the clip either in the details panel at the top of the main window or in a separate window
- To display a given clip in a separate window use the appropriate toolbar button or menu command, or double click on the clip. (You can configure the double click action in Preferences, or hold down the control key while you double click for an alternate action.)
- You can open the media file by launching it in its default application.
- Press Reset View to restore the window to its default state and show all the clips in the current catalog, with no filtering or grouping applied and the tree navigator and details panel showing.
See also: Tree navigator, Quick start guide, Summary mode
List views
In a list view you can change the order or width of the columns by dragging the column headers. Press Cmd/Ctrl- (or use the Adjust column widths command) to automatically set the column widths. These changes are temporary unless you save the view definition.
You can edit values directly in a list view by checking the Allow cell editing option in Preferences.
Sorting clips
Clips have both a ‘natural’ order within the catalog (usually the order they were imported in) and a ‘display’ order within the current window.
- Click on a column header (when in a list view) or use the Order By menu to change the order that clips are displayed in.
- Use Random shuffle to randomize the display order (eg. for a slide show).
- Use Reverse to reverse the display order of clips.
- Use Make clip order permanent to rearrange clips in the catalog according to their current display order.
- Drag and drop selected clips within the window to manually rearrange their order in the catalog.