You can print reports from a catalog consisting of all the clips in the current view:

  • Use Print > Current View to print the current window, whether in list, film strip or grid view.
  • Use Print > Single Page Index Sheet to print a single page “contact sheet” of a particular tape as a grid view. As many clips as will fit on one page are automatically chosen to be as representative as possible of the tape. (To select the tape to be printed use Group by tape and click on the tape you want.)
  • Use Print > Selected Images to print out the selected images or posters at the maximum available resolution. (The image is taken from thumbnails, proxy movies, or original media, depending on what is available). Print as many images as possible on each sheet of paper, and automatically switch individual images between landscape and portrait to maximise the print area.
  • Use Print > HTML Formatted to print the current window or selected clips as an HTML formatted page. This type of printout is particularly suited to printing long log notes as they will flow over multiple lines. In the print dialog you can choose which fields are printed and whether to include the poster thumbnail or not, and also whether new line characters in a text field are preserved in the printout.

You can also print complete details of an individual clip by bringing up the Clip Summary window and pressing the Print button in the toolbar.

To adjust the appearance of printouts you can:

  • Choose a different type of view (list or grid).
  • Select a percentage reduction in your print settings dialog and then print a large grid view for higher resolution.
  • Use Page Setup to select a different page orientation or percentage reduction.
  • Adjust the font and inter-cell spacing in Preferences.
  • Enter a custom title in Preferences to be used as the main title or as a custom footer (eg. a copyright notice or contact details if you plan to give printouts to clients).
  • Suppress the printing of icons (to indicate clip type) by an advanced Preferences option.

You can also export clips as HTML or text and print them from an external application such as your web browser or a word processor (for example, if you have large amount of text and want it all to flow on the page rather than be truncated to fit in a fixed row height).