Use the Customise Views command to create your own view definitions, containing just those columns (orclip properties) that you are interested in:

  • Select an existing view to edit, or define a new view. (Views that you have customised are shown in italics.)
  • When editing a view first select the basic type (film strip, list, grid, or icon only) then select the thumbnail size for the view and add the columns you want to show.
  • Add as many columns as you like (though some views only have room to show a limited number of columns – if you ask for too many those columns that don’t fit are greyed out).
  • Rearrange their order by dragging and dropping columns in the right hand list or using the move up and down buttons.
  • If the same column name appears more than once (see making sense of property names), click on the name and use the description to distinguish them (eg. long and short versions of a file name).
  • Press ‘Apply’ to preview a view definition (without overwriting the previous saved definition).
  • Press ‘Ok’ to save the view definitions so they are available in other windows and when you next launch the application.
  • You may need to enable metadata columns via preferences if you don’t see the values you want as separate fields.

Adjust column widths

Use the Adjust Column Widths command to automatically adjust the width of columns in a list view according to the data being displayed in them. You can also adjust column widths manually by dragging on the column divider line in the header row.

You can also rearrange the order of columns graphically by dragging the column header. However, you need to use the Customise Views command to add or remove columns.

If you make changes to the column widths then bring up the Customise Views dialog you are asked whether to import the current column widths into the view definition. You can then save the view definition including the column widths. Alternatively, use the Save Column Widths command. (If you do not save the column widths in this way then they will only apply as long as the current window is open.)

Customise details panel

In the Professional Edition you can customise which fields are shown in the clip details panel using theCustomise Details Panel command. You can:

  • Create additional tab panels, either copies of existing ones or entirely new.
  • Choose which fields are included on each panel.
  • Choose whether long fields span both columns and whether fields are hidden if they are blank.
  • If you want a large, multi-line field to expand and fill the available space (eg. for the Notes or Event Markers field) add it as the last field on that tab.
  • Turn the predefined “HTML Summary” and “Other” tabs on or off.
  • Create your own HTML-basd tabs by defing a tab with the fields you want in it and checking the HTML option.

You can define different panels and choose which ones are visible at any time by checking or unchecking the visible flag. For example, different panels may make sense depending on which kind of asset you are working on.